Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well if you have noticed I have done some back postings for history sake. We are doing well here.

If you have read any of my last few blogs you know Mark's health hit a down point. This year we were supposed to go to Yellowstone with Mark's family. Well about a couple of weeks prior to Mark going to the Hospital he asked me if I would feel bad if we did not go to Yellowstone cause he was not having good feelings about it. So we decided we would really think and pray about it, well a couple of weeks later he lands in the Hospital and then we knew we were not going to Yellowstone. When we got home from the Hospital we started looking into where the nearest Medical care would be and it was about 1 hr away. So needless to say we told his family we were not going to Yellowstone - BUMMER!!! but they all understood why we decided not to go. I write this because this is the week we would be in Yellowstone in fact we would just be getting home today. I am sad we were not able to go but I know we made the correct decision.

Well tonight I FINALLY got to mow my lawn - it has been about 3 weeks since the last time I did it. Every time I had time to mow it would rain - oh well. So my parents come out to help me with the lawn - THEY ARE THE BEST!!!! I am mowing and Jarod was riding his bike and he pulled up to the house and he did not look right and I asked him what was wrong and he said he did not know he had a pain in his upper back and it hurt so we took off his shirt and found out he got stung by a bee!!! Poor kid I felt bad for him. It did start to swell but we washed it and got some aloe vera on it and by the time he went to bed it was hardly red and you could just barely see the puncture point. Thank goodness. Grateful for the little things in life.




Jenny said...

lol...I just love you!

Lynnette and Paul said... updated! It was so great to see you last week. Thank you so much for coming. You guys are awesome :) Let's do that BBQ in the next few weeks. Can't wait to hang out then. Love you!